ECB takes the stand on gender equity

30 Jul

Our East Coast Bays AFC is extremely proud to be one of the first clubs to sign the Northern Region Football (NRF) Gender Equity Charter, a clear signal of the inclusivity of our club.

The Charter emerged from a working group that focused on how we can make the most of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 opportunity to create a lasting legacy for future generations.

As part of our partnership with Tātaki Auckland Unlimited as a FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 team base, we aim to create a lasting legacy not only in upgrades to our club facilities, but in providing better opportunities for women and girls in our club.

In demonstrating our commitment to girls and women’s football, we are showing that we believe this is the right thing to do - and committing to making our club even more inclusive.

East Coast Bays AFC President Roger Bridge says he’s extremely proud to be taking a leadership role and being one of the first clubs to sign up to the charter.

“We’ve been focused on making football more accessible and attractive to girls and women for a number of years as a club, but by signing the NRF charter we’re showing our support beyond our club and I hope signalling to every other club in Aotearoa that this is the right thing to do.”

“This goes beyond increasing player participation and includes encouraging more females to take on leadership positions within our club, such as coaching, managing, or becoming a member of our Board. It’s vital for the sustainability of our club,” he says.

Signing the charter will help measure what’s going well, what needs work and the steps we need to take to get there.

The Charter work focuses on: 

  • Leadership: Leadership and governance that reflects and supports gender equity
  • Participation: Equitable participation and development opportunities, including juniors and youth girls-only football
  • Visibility: Make girls and women visible, showing their value in our club
  • Resources: Equitable resources and opportunities for girls and women
  • Facilities: Fit-for-purpose facilities that meet the specific needs of girls and women in our club.

 Our Board is extremely proud and excited about what’s ahead and encourage our members to get involved. If you want to learn more, visit the Charter on the NRF’s website.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please email East Coast Bays AFC President Roger Bridge or one of our Board members.

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